Barn Rats United

An Online Celebration of Everyday Horse People

Why One Family Creates Equestrian Candles Horse People Will Love

All-natural Candles for horse lovers

Kristen McGovert, a mom of four, mechanical engineer, and candle maker, joined the horse world when her daughter Ava began riding as a seven-year-old. One day, Ava mentioned how much she loved the smell of leather on her hands after riding, and it gave Kristen an idea: what if she could capture that clean-tack smell in a candle and share it with other horse-crazy people?

Three years later, the McGoverts work together to create nontoxic, equestrian-themed soy candles with tantalizing scents for horse lovers. Ava is a dedicated three-day eventer, and her family follows along on her horse journey.

Learn how Kristen has adjusted to becoming a horse parent, what makes Horsin Around Candle Co. unique, and how their full line of creative equestrian scents was born.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

BRU: How did Ava get involved with riding? What was the beginning of that journey like for her and your family?

KM: Ava has always liked horses. She started asking for lessons when she was seven. Finding a barn with availability was difficult, so we spent a few months on a waitlist.

The horse world was entirely new to us! We weren’t familiar with different riding disciplines, so we looked around at several barns to see what interested her. She rode western and bareback for her first year, and then she tried English, which is her favorite. 

Ava McGovert of Horsin Around Candle Co

BRU: How has your horse involvement evolved, and what’s it like for your family now?

KM: At first, Ava took one lesson per week, but she quickly asked us to increase them to twice a week. My horse knowledge was limited, and I didn’t participate much, but I tried to learn as much as I could from watching her lessons.

Now, she rides several times a week, our family attends all of her horse shows, and her siblings tag along to lessons. Our oldest son also took lessons for a while, and our four-year-old loves it when she gets a pony ride. Horses have become an almost daily part of our lives.

BRU: Are there any special horses in your lives?

KM: Ava currently rides a special pony named Mr. Perfect. He lives up to his name! He’s owned by a lovely family whose daughter has outgrown him, and he’s a great match for Ava right now. 

However, Ava has ridden many horses, and they all have special qualities. It’s so fun to discover their distinct personalities.

BRU: What surprised you the most about becoming a horse parent?

KM: Two things especially surprised me: the cost and the level of danger. I expected riding lessons to be expensive, but I had no idea how much it costs to lease or buy a horse. On top of that, there are boarding fees, show entry fees, tack prices—everything adds up very quickly!

Secondly, I was surprised at how dangerous riding can be. I didn’t know that falling off a horse was a normal occurrence for a rider. Ava has fallen off many times now, and thankfully, she has never been seriously injured. But I know that’s a possibility, even with her protective helmet and vest.

Ava loves jumping, and I hold my breath every time! Riding is her passion. As a parent, I had to accept that it comes with risks, as do many beautiful things in life.

Horses are also a big time commitment for our entire family. As a family with four kids, scheduling can be tricky. 

Ava McGovert of Horsin Around Candle Co

BRU: Why are nontoxic soy candles better, and what else makes your equestrian candles different from other options?

KM: Many candles available at big box stores are made entirely from paraffin wax or a paraffin blend. Paraffin is made of petroleum and can create toxic fumes when burned in your home. Many candles also contain fragrances with phthalates, which are endocrine disrupters and can negatively affect your health. 

We pride ourselves on creating nontoxic candles. We never use synthetic additives, paraffin, parabens, phthalates, lead, or dyes. Our candles are made from 100 percent American-grown soy wax, pure essential oils, phthalate-free fragrance oils, and cotton wicks. 

Also, our attention to detail is unmatched! We examine each candle personally and pour them in very small batches. We’re passionate about creating a special gift for someone to give, and we add a personalized note with every order.

BRU: What inspired some of the names and scent combinations you’ve produced?

KM: The first horse-themed scent we created is called “Clean Tack,” which was inspired by Ava noticing the smell of her reins on her hands. “Clean Tack” has become one of our best sellers!

Another favorite scent is “Pony Kisses.” What’s cuter than a snuggly pony?! “Grazing Pasture” is also a fun scent that smells like fresh-cut grass. 

Equestrian candles by Horsin Around Candle Co
Equestrian-themed candles by Horsin Around Candle Co.

BRU: Which candle is Ava’s favorite?

KM: Ava’s personal favorite is “Show Day.” It has a relaxing, spa-like smell infused with lemon, white tea, and ginger. We named it “Show Day” because—of course—show days are her favorite days. Also, it never hurts to enjoy a little aromatherapy and relaxation before a big show.

BRU: What has it been like to develop an equestrian candle business? Have you made any fun connections in the horse world?

KM: Being able to donate and give back has been so fun! Recently, we were one of the sponsors of the University of Connecticut Dressage Team’s intercollegiate show. We sent them candles to hand out as prizes, and they said everyone loved them. We’ve also been able to donate to some local organizations.

BRU: How have you seen horses help your daughter and family grow?

KM: Horses teach responsibility. All of the tasks required to care for a horse—or even horse gear—definitely teach maturity, responsibility, and care.

BRU: What do you think horses can teach people?

KM: I think a lot of people don’t understand how gentle horses can be. Horses teach love, understanding, and silliness. Sometimes I explain to non-horsey friends that horses can seem a lot like a big dog. They love snuggles, treats, and being told they did a good job.

To learn more about Horsin Around Candle Co., check out Kristen and Ava’s Etsy shop or connect on Instagram.

Horses can change lives! If you have a story about how horses have made a difference to you, please consider sharing.


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