Barn Rats United

An Online Celebration of Everyday Horse People

Share a Story

There are unique horse people everywhere, and we want to connect with you! Tell us a story about your life with horses or complete a virtual interview, and it may appear in a future article. You don’t need to be a polished professional writer to contribute—our editorial staff will assist you.

Please explore the following options and submit your interview, story, article, or photo for consideration today!

Submit a Story

If you enjoy writing, and you’d like to share a true story about horses, please click the button below to view our submission guidelines. We’re looking for stories from all ages, backgrounds, and disciplines.

Complete a Virtual Interview

This simple written form includes questions about how horses have made a difference in your life. If your interview is selected, we’ll feature you in a BRU Spotlight article.

Nominate a Feature Interview

If you’d like to be considered for a one-on-one feature interview, nominate someone else for a feature, or suggest an article topic, please reach out!


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